With the largest selection of perennials around, we have just about every color, shape, sun exposure perennial your heart could desire! We have multiple sections of perennials around the garden center and are proud to grow the best quality plants available!

Full Sun Perennials
Full Sun Perennials live in our Perennial zone by the Pottery Tent!
All Sun Perennials are organized in alphabetical order according to their Latin names. We carry a wide range including Peonies, Lavender, Black-Eyed Susans, Lupines, Delphenium, Cone Flowers, Salvia and so much more!

Part Shade Perennials
You’ll notice most of our shade perennials are behind our register shed. We strive to find and grow shade perennials that will give your shady areas interest, texture and foliage color. Shade Perennials are organized by the amount of sun exposure they need. You’ll find dozens of varieties of Astilbe and Heuchera. But you’ll also find much more…Bleeding Hearts, Brunnera, Epimedium, Ligularia, Ferns, Thalictrum, Cimicifuga, and the list goes on!

Day Lillies
Our Hemerocallis section is located between Greenhouse #6 & #7. We have over 75 varieties available throughout the season. We’re able to achieve this through succession plantings. Old-fashioned, returns, fragrant, vibrant, unique…you can’t go wrong with daylilies!

For anyone who thinks Hosta are boring, hasn’t been to Shady Hill! We have over 100 varieties available! We plant most of our hosta in the fall, giving us the ability to grow a lot more! All shapes and sizes, you’re sure to find a new one to add to your collection! Mini to large, rippled to smooth, green to white, see all that hosta have to offer!

Near the shade section you’ll find our groundcover section. These are low growing and spreading perennials categorized by sun and shade requirements. These plants are great for fulling large areas, hillsides, and the front of your perennial beds and walkways.

Is there a more perfect flower than a rose? We carry a large selection of Floribunda, Grandiflora, shrub, Knock outs, Mini Roses, Climbers, Hybrid Tea Roses and we also feature David Austin Roses. Call or visit today to see what our inventory provides!